The brilliant patch fixes a whole host of issues within the vanilla game, many of which you probably overlooked at first. In terms of optimization, there are no other mods that best EU Aim Rolls. So, what does it do? This simple fix removes the lengthy wait time in-between slow elements, such as when the Avenger is moving. The community loves the mod, having voted multiple times to ensure it is top rated on the Workshop. Stop Wasting My Time is a bit of a mouthful for a mod, but so very useful. No more aliens shooting through the fog like it was completely clear. A quick download via Steam ensures all smoke will provide the defense coverage originally claimed. Basically, the entire premise of the modification is to fix how unreliable the smoke grenade indicator is within the vanilla game. Reliable Smoke is a relatively simple mod for XCOM 2, but one that helps immensely. Thankfully, those in the modding community had a grand vision to fix those optimization problems and make the vanilla game ten times better. While the strategy game is a lot of fun, there were issues some players could not look past. Let's be honest here - XCOM 2 had quite a few optimization problems. These are ten you should install today: Optimizing Everything! Steam's Workshop functionality was taken full advantage of by Firaxis to ensure the gamers can implement their very own items, tweaks, and full expansions. Like many PC games these days, the entire experience is made infinitely better by the inclusion of the modding community.