Which im not sure how to do, if you can help me through the process, that will be fantastic. If you want to install the game to a hard drive other than the default setting (C:), please make sure you specify a folder when choosing the other drive (i.e.: D:\RTCW)." For example, if you choose to install it to a hard drive or partition other than the C: drive (that is, D:,E:, etc.), but fail to specify a folder, the game will install everything to the root of the hard drive and the game will not launch. This error commonly occurs when the game is installed with no directory specified. I have read the text document called README where i am told, "If you try to run Return to Castle Wolfenstein and receive the error message, "Couldn't Load default.cfg", the game is basically telling you it cannot find the \main directory that is part of Return To Castle Wolfenstein. I have tried to apply full control to my user, but it seems to not work, also i am unable to find the file "Wolfconfig.cfg" in the "Main" folder.